Photo by Paula Knapp

What to Eat at the World Forum

After the second day of THIMUN commencing, it’s time to talk about the facts. What is the best food to splurge a little cash on? Of course, there is the free lunch menu, which is great in itself, but if one happens to feel a little peckish, the World Forum restaurant is a good option.…

Photo de Element5 Digital:

Hegemony in a Multipolar World

“For politics is not like the nursery; in politics obedience and support are the same.” ― Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil   The Great Power Rivalry of the 21st century has begun with the coveted crown of hegemonism worn by few, but sought by many. Following the Second…

Photo by Anna Delmas

Impressive, Inclusive, ICC

For the first time at THIMUN, a model International Criminal Court is available to student participants. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is located in The Hague and was created by the United Nations in 2002 to investigate and prosecute extreme war crimes on an international level. At THIMUN 2024, the ICC simulation is directed by…

Who Wore It Best?

Hey Upper East Side of the THIMUN arena, it’s your favorite fashionista here, ready to spill the tea on the delegates and their sartorial choices.   Picture this: power pantsuits, sleek ensembles, and the occasional unexpected fashion risk. It’s a political catwalk that could give Paris Fashion Week a run for its money.    Here’s…

Four Things to Do in The Hague

This year’s conference might keep you busy, but what is there to do after 17:00, when you leave the World Forum after hours of debate? Even in the winter, The Hague offers a range of activities to keep conference participants occupied in between THIMUN hours. Whether it is with new friends made, or a whole…

Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony for the 56th annual THIMUN conference at the World Forum hosted delegates from countries all over the globe, representing the solidarity found within Model United Nations (MUN). The international delegates are reflected through the annual flag ceremony, a tradition so coveted that they were turning people away at the door. Once the…

The Not So Secret History of THIMUN

As THIMUN starts its engines, delegates and other participants seem thrilled to be part of this unique experience, but one question floats above some people’s heads: What exactly is THIMUN? Firstly, the abbreviation stands for “The Hague International Model United Nations” and was first introduced in 1968 as a small, local conference, by Mr. Paul…

Photo by Anna Delmas

In the Briefcase of a THIMUN Delegate

Water bottle: An essential item carried by all the delegates, needed after one’s throat is parched and cracked after a long speech (delegate, make your concluding remarks!), lulling the committee to eternal sleep. Thermometer: A handy tool for when things take a heated turn—when the temperature rises in committee. Earplugs: For when one wants to…

Illustration by Billy Williams

Meet the Text Editors

Text editors are crucial to the MUNITY team. They have an incredible outsider insight on the reporters’ articles, which allows them to correct any mistakes before the publication of MUNITY online. Our articles are easy to read thanks to the text editors.    Yusef Al Saleh Yusef attends Zurich International School in Switzerland as an…