A Honorable Visit to the HSC

On Thursday, former Council General in Jerusalem, Edward Abington, graced the Historical Security Council (HSC), with his presence. “For me, it’s a real privilege to be here. It’s important what you are doing.” This powerful statement opened up Mr. Abington’s speech in Room: Central America. Abington was part of the US State Department for 30…

Photo by Paula Knapp

What to Eat at the World Forum

After the second day of THIMUN commencing, it’s time to talk about the facts. What is the best food to splurge a little cash on? Of course, there is the free lunch menu, which is great in itself, but if one happens to feel a little peckish, the World Forum restaurant is a good option.…

The Not So Secret History of THIMUN

As THIMUN starts its engines, delegates and other participants seem thrilled to be part of this unique experience, but one question floats above some people’s heads: What exactly is THIMUN? Firstly, the abbreviation stands for “The Hague International Model United Nations” and was first introduced in 1968 as a small, local conference, by Mr. Paul…

Forgotten Victims

In addition to the nation as a whole, war has a multitude of consequences and effects on the people who suffer most, which are the ones that tend to be overlooked. When an armed conflict is declared, most tend to automatically feel sorry for the soldiers having to fight on the battlefields and suffer for…