Interview: THIMUN Treasurer Peter Loy

MUNITY had the pleasure of interviewing Peter Loy, the Treasurer of the THIMUN Board of Directors, as he reflected on his final year at the conference. In addition to his position as Treasurer, he also manages the admin staff from local schools, ensuring that debate is able to flow freely within committees, and solving challenges…

Where is the Honour in Killing?

THIMUN has been a forum for the debate of global topics for over half a century. Each debated topic is significant and relevant to its time. However, the question of what is relevant and what should be relevant often differs. One topic in particular focuses on an archaic practice best consigned to history. This is…

A Honorable Visit to the HSC

On Thursday, former Council General in Jerusalem, Edward Abington, graced the Historical Security Council (HSC), with his presence. “For me, it’s a real privilege to be here. It’s important what you are doing.” This powerful statement opened up Mr. Abington’s speech in Room: Central America. Abington was part of the US State Department for 30…

Behind the Silent Door: What is ICJ?

With the hope of creating THIMUN into a more accurate representation of the United Nations, the addition of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) was vital. In 1993, the former Head of the Board of Directors of the THIMUN conference, David Williams, asked Robert Stern, a teacher who was running his school’s Model United Nations,…