The Delegate Horoscope

Aries, the Fearless (March 21 – April 19) From now on, you will never be afraid to yell during the committee sessions. In all fairness, you will keep believing you’re right!  Taurus, the Peacekeeper (April 20 – May 20) From now on, while making a great entrance into the committee wearing a tailored pantsuit with…

A Pack of Car-d-elegates

Embarking on the THIMUN journey, the committee sessions resemble nothing less than a deck of meticulously crafted diplomatic cards: 1. The Aces of Diplomacy: These delegates are the crowned rulers of strategy. With their well-polished speeches and ingenious proposals, they stand tall as the committee’s master tacticians, always playing their cards right. 2. The Queen…

Photo de Element5 Digital:

Hegemony in a Multipolar World

“For politics is not like the nursery; in politics obedience and support are the same.” ― Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil   The Great Power Rivalry of the 21st century has begun with the coveted crown of hegemonism worn by few, but sought by many. Following the Second…

Who Wore It Best?

Hey Upper East Side of the THIMUN arena, it’s your favorite fashionista here, ready to spill the tea on the delegates and their sartorial choices.   Picture this: power pantsuits, sleek ensembles, and the occasional unexpected fashion risk. It’s a political catwalk that could give Paris Fashion Week a run for its money.    Here’s…

Photo by Anna Delmas

In the Briefcase of a THIMUN Delegate

Water bottle: An essential item carried by all the delegates, needed after one’s throat is parched and cracked after a long speech (delegate, make your concluding remarks!), lulling the committee to eternal sleep. Thermometer: A handy tool for when things take a heated turn—when the temperature rises in committee. Earplugs: For when one wants to…