Meet The Social Media Team

Who are the people behind the Instagram posts and reels? Here’s an introduction to the social media team!   Billy Williams Billy is in sixth form, or 12th grade, at St. Andrews College in Dublin, Ireland where he was born and raised. This is Billy’s second time being an illustrator for the MUNITY Press team,…

Meet The Reporters

Reporters – from providing insight into the ongoings of THIMUN to entertainment, they are essential to our MUNITY Press Team. Here is an introduction to this year’s Reporters!   Loren Martin Loren is a 12th grader at Kaiserslautern High School in Kaiserslautern, Germany. With an American military background, she frequently moves and does not associate…

Illustration by Billy Williams

Meet the Text Editors

Text editors are crucial to the MUNITY team. They have an incredible outsider insight on the reporters’ articles, which allows them to correct any mistakes before the publication of MUNITY online. Our articles are easy to read thanks to the text editors.    Yusef Al Saleh Yusef attends Zurich International School in Switzerland as an…

Utilizing Social Media for Peace

Social media is a key component of our society and is used by a large segment of the population almost daily. According to, as of January 9th, 2024, 61 percent of the global population have been actively using social media. Just like the real world, social media creates collectives of people, and has even…