World Forum Staff Spotlight
By Jina Song
Photography by Lilly Tourville
Behind the bustle of the THIMUN conference, dozens of World Forum staff members have been working tirelessly to fill our stomachs or organize coats. So before all students head back home, let’s take a moment to thank the workers behind this conference. Even with some language barriers, try pitching a quick “Dank u wel.” They’ll likely return a well-deserved “Alstublieft.” Next, we’ll spotlight a few workers at the World Forum.
Emma’s Shehata, who has worked at the World Forum for 32 years. His job entails “everything from food and beverage. I care for 2500 students for THIMUN.” Shehata works at The World Forum year-round. Shehata’s favorite part about being at THIMUN is the bustling energy of the crowd. “I really love working at THIMUN,” he added. “The kids here are really polite.” Being able to walk around each floor instead of staying in an office is another favorite aspect of Shehata’s job. “When I work on all the floors, I get to go everywhere! I love it.” After years of preparing food for THIMUN, Shehata says his favorite food item is the cheese and tuna sandwich. Even when THIMUN is not in place, the World Forum facilitates meetings for key international organizations. “Seeing so many different people each week is an interesting change for my job,” says Shehata.
When delegates run low on caffeine, most trail toward the World Cafe. Paul and Peter Asika are two twins who work at the cafe. For Paul Asika, his favorite part about his job is the “first-hand experience you have about international relations. Being in contact with the guests throughout different conferences helps you understand how it works.” Peter Asika has worked at the World Forum for six months. His favorite part about his job is “meeting the guests and interacting.” He also adds “Everything in hospitality motivates me to provide excellent service. This is my THIMUN conference, so it’s very fun for me.”
Ricardo and Sergio are coat room workers at THIMUN. They work for an external coat managing company. “The World Forum hires us when they need us, but we also work at restaurants.” For Ricardo, the flexibility of his job is a highlight. “If I don’t like working in one place, I can just go around somewhere else,” he said. Ricardo says he could even change his role to making poffertijes. Sergio says his job is “quite alright.” His favorite aspect of his job is enjoying the “relaxing hours after the peak hours” bustle past. Sometimes, over three hundred students rush in at once, while at others, it ebbs around twenty. The rapid shift in job intensity is an interesting aspect of his job.

Throughout the snack stands, lunch lines, coat rooms, and offices, the World Forum staff has helped run our conference. So without further ado, dank u wel to everyone!