What the Future Holds for Seniors at THIMUN
By Karolina Ritsema
Photography by Karolina Ritsema
For many students at THIMUN, MUN has been a long and impactful journey that has spanned across years of their high school journeys. For those graduating this year, the last THIMUN conference, and oftentimes the last MUN conference, can bring a plethora of emotions and thoughts. Following are the stories of several seniors and their relationship with their last THIMUN conference.
Tex and Momin attend American Community School Athens in Greece. They attended THIMUN as their first conference last year, and now they are delegates in SDC1. When asked about their feelings on THIMUN 2025 being their last conference, they mentioned feeling “sad” yet that it “opens a new window of opportunity to university,” highlighting the bittersweet emotions last year delegates experience along with finishing not only THIMUN but high school as a whole. Along with difficult emotions regarding leaving MUN behind, they felt confident going into the conference because of their prior experience.
Many delegates were extremely frightened and nervous at their first MUN conference, especially if they were freshman or younger. However, returning to THIMUN, not only with MUN experience, but as a senior in high school, brings a unique level of confidence. When asked if they planned on continuing MUN in university, they stated, “It’s more of an if it happens it happens kind of thing.” They elaborated that they’ll see what life is looking like in a year from now.

Tex and Momin, two seniors at THIMUN

Lyra and Scarlet, two seniors at THIMUN
Meanwhile, Lyra and Scarlet are seniors from Lingfield College in England. Their first conference was three years ago in London. For them, parting with MUN is even heavier than it is for Tex and Momin, due to their attachment since freshman year. For the 2025 conference, they are part of the SPC2 committee. When asked how they felt about THIMUN 2025 being their last conference, their answer was, “sad about it but we’re going to go out with a bang; it’s going to be really fun.” The confidence and experience that come with being a senior at MUN allows one to truly make the most out of the conference, participating and enjoying it to the fullest. With plans to study economics, politics, history, and law between the two of them, Lyra and Scarlet “definitely” want to continue MUN at university, and they have already “looked at lots of programs that you can do Model UN in.”
While for some MUN is simply an extracurricular activity, for others it is an essential part of their high school experience, one that has led to discovering new places, forming countless friendships, and growing as both a delegate and person. Some might even say MUN has become a part of their identity, which makes it all the more difficult for seniors to leave it behind. Despite the uncertainty which comes with moving on from high school MUN, the seniors at THIMUN are left hopeful and excited for the future, ready to take what they’ve gained from MUN and bring it into the next chapter of their lives.