How to say goodbye to THIMUN: The Delegate’s guide
By Anna Delmas
As THIMUN 2025 comes to a close, delegates wrap up debates and prepare to leave behind their committees, filled with new memories and friendships. However, leaving behind the person they have become for a week may be complicated, so the MUNITY team has come up with a guide: How to properly say goodbye to THIMUN.
Step 1: Say your final goodbyes
Every delegate should make sure they leave the World Forum with no regrets. Say your final goodbyes to those you’ve exchanged with, but also don’t be scared to address others for the first time. The chances of seeing these people again are rare, so don’t be scared to put yourself out there!

Step 2: Karaoke with your chairs
As the debates end, be sure to propose a karaoke to your committee. Once a couple of people have gone, you’ll find that you won’t miss it so much, as your ears will need plenty of rest. It’s a fool-proof way of guaranteeing a smooth transition to normal life.

Step 3: Group photos
Memories can fade, so make sure that you capture all your friends in candid or posed photos. THIMUN 2025 only happens once, and it would be a shame to miss out on the opportunity to take pictures with the friend group you’ve built. Though their faces might be unforgettable to you, photos are always a nice way to commemorate your time together.

Step 4: Exchange socials
Whether it be to share the previously mentioned photos, or to keep in touch after the conference ends, exchanging socials is a vital part of saying goodbye to THIMUN. The people you meet here are the beginning of your network, and who knows, maybe you’ll need them one day! The possibilities to catch up are also endless, and keeping in touch is the first step to meeting again.

Step 5: Sign each other’s placards
Material memories are as important as mental ones, so sacrifice your placard and get your friends and fellow committee members to sign it! Leave a nice message, your socials, or just your name, and go home with a little piece of everyone who has shared this experience with you.
Step 6: Attend the closing ceremony
After saying goodbye to your committee, it’s time to say goodbye to THIMUN as a whole, and going to the closing ceremony is the best way to do so. You’ll find speeches about the events of the week, and photographic recaps of the conference.
If you’ve followed these steps, you should be able to walk out of the World Forum for the last time feeling like an accomplished delegate, who got to say a proper goodbye. THIMUN 2025 will miss you as much as you miss it!