Delegates and Homework Stress
By: Paula Knapp
The everlasting excitement of THIMUN is almost palpable in the air as delegates and chairs engage in their roles with joy. However, there is a small detail which may always stay in the back of each atendee’s heads: the dreaded homework.
THIMUN is dandy and all that, but unfortunately, attendees are still students. During the week-long event, with most people even staying for longer than that (due to the fact that they have come from halfway across the world) homework is unavoidable.
Most students have taken precautions by letting their teachers know about their planned absence. To those who haven’t, good luck. Although some students are absent from their classes, teachers are still assigning work, grading it, and eventually, scoring it as missing. As a delegate, one should not forget where they have come from, a school.
Even though it is hard to focus on things such as Algebra or Biology after a long day of resolutions and lobbying, there is unfortunately no way out. To keep motivation at an all time high, the MUNITY staff recommends working on homework as soon as delegates get to their cozy hotel rooms from the conference. If one focuses for a solid thirty minutes, a lot of work can get done, all before dinner time. After a nutritious meal, maybe even from one of the places recommended in the “A Taste of The Hague” Article, another thirty to forty minutes should do the trick.
Roommates and friends should try to keep each other on track, so that everyone can be held accountable for their work. If one stays consistent with their homework right from the beginning, there should be no unfortunate surprises (17 missing assignments) when they return to their beloved school a week later.